Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Rights of Pachamama (Nature)

"La Naturaleza o Pachamama, donde se reproduce y se realiza la vida, tiene derecho a existir, perdurar, mantener y regenerar sus ciclos vitales, su estructura, funciones y procesos evolutivos"
Primer artículo

Sunday, September 28th brings the news of the ratification of Ecuador's new constitution after a long process of social struggles led by their indigenous populations for over a decade. Most of the media highlight the fact that Rafael Correa (or any other president thereafter) can be re-elected. Other implications of this constitution are far more important in terms of improving the rights of indigenous peoples and of nature. Nature? yes, nature. Nature, or Pachamama, “has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution.”As highlighted in a New York Times article. It will be interesting to follow the consequences of this new legislation and how it will be implemented.

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